The practice of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is not without controversy, something most of us are
quite familiar with these days. As with other controversial issues, there is a mix of truths, fallacies,
realities, and misconceptions. And, when it comes to some of these controversial truths, they are exactly
that--truths of a young and evolving field that has had much to learn. ABA has the potential to be
amazing for some, while being traumatizing for others. It can be the savior in one instance and bordering
on abuse in another situation. The reality is, just like with any other discipline, there is the science and
then there is the philosophical approach seen through the lens of each individual practitioner. ABA as a
science is not good or bad, it simply is. "Good" and "bad" are the visceral responses that come from a
variety of interpretations by practitioners, as well as consumers, that influence the look and feel of an ABA
program's implementation.

Over the years, especially with more and more voices of adults on the spectrum being heard and
providing critical feedback, we have seen significant change in our field over the past several years.
Historically speaking, ABA has at times been a bit more doing something "to" an individual rather than
"with." Instead of forcing our way into the world of another, our methods have evolved along with our
understanding in large part to the thoughtful contributions of adults on the spectrum who experienced
ABA in their formative years. Given the work we do is to provide support that is deemed healthy and
effective, this has been critical feedback to better understand what it means to provide a valuable service
to our client population. As a result of this process, client assent has become a big part of what we now
do. A quality behavior analyst is tasked with creating a context in which individuals want to be around us
because it feels safe, and the experience is pleasant enough that an individual will approach us on their
own. This is not always easy, but as stated before--the science is the science. If we choose to look at the
shared experience we have with an individual receiving services, then we can figure out how to get the
science to work within that framework that establishes more positive experiences.
At BASICS NW, we appreciate having well-rounded skill sets across a range of evidence-based
methodologies and approaches in teaching new behaviors. We certainly have and will continue to focus
on the more naturalistic approaches to develop relationships. Our primary objective is to open as many
doors as possible for our clients. By teaching functional skills, we expand the options available to our
clients. This ensures greater choice throughout life well beyond the time spent with us.
I believe it is extremely important to state, quite clearly, that in no way should it ever be implied there is
something wrong with an individual with autism. We live in an extremely neurodiverse world, and each
one of us has our own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. The beauty we see through the honesty
and authenticity of individuals with autism are qualities we should all endeavor towards. Our approach to
ABA with our clients with autism is no different than our approach with any other client without regard for
disability status. We want all individuals, whether on the spectrum or "neurotypical" to enjoy the
maximum level of freedom afforded by having as many options as possible in life. Our ultimate goal is for
every individual with whom we work to develop an improved skill set and a healthy self-esteem as they
move forward in life to achieve optimal levels of independence and happiness.